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What is an OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog)?
Library Policy
Call and receiving book requisition
1. Borrowing Access and Loan Periods
· Textbooks for 2 weeks and fictions for 1 month for the students.
· Any books are issued for faculties for the 6 months/one semester
· Reference books are issued maximum for 3 days based on the needs.
2. Fines and Penalties
· Fines and penalties shall be imposed on defaulters based on library policy of the college.
· Students will be charged Nu. 5 per day for the overdue materials.
· Lecturers/staff will be charged Nu. 10 per day for overdue materials.
· In case of lost or damaged items, individual user shall pay the purchase price plus replacement fee of Nu. 200.
3. Returns and Renewals
· Materials checked out must be returned to the library staff as per your due dates.
· Renewal can be done online and mail us at library@nrc.bt or contact library staff to renew your borrowed books.
4. Library Catalogue - the key to finding books in the library
· Books in the library are shelved in call number alphabetically accordingly to the Dewey Decimal Classification system.
· Books are shelved in the following given names in our college library:
120-158.1 Philosophy & Psychology
158.1-297.4 Religion
300-327.82 Sociology and Statistics
330-370 Law and Economics
400 &800 Language and literature
640-658.4 Accounting and Management
658.4-690 Marketing and Mathematics
900-958.98 History and Biographic
294.4-954.98 Dzongkha
Government Documents
5. Stocking books, audio-visual, newspapers, magazines, etc.
· Newsletters and magazines
· Government and International Journals
· Printed articles
· Kuensel, The Bhutanese and Business Bhutan
Information on Research4Life
· Research4Life aims to reduce the knowledge gap between industrialized countries and developing countries by providing affordable access to academic and professional resources. It includes 28450 plus journals, 96000 books and 120 other resources.
· Go to “Access Content” and “Login”
· Get support from library staff to get downloads from R4L or for any further assistance.